Below you find the names of the winners of the three Netriders Competitions that took place on 25 April. Six particpants will be invited to take part in the international competition later this year. Moreover, all winners will be invited to the Cisco Offices in Belgium
Results CCNA Competition
- Sohayel Akhayad, Multimedi
- William Thebault, Technobel
- Ken Meersman, Multimedi
Best Female Particpant
- Alexandra Martinez, Technobel
- Robert-Jan Neijland, Graafschap College
- Glenn Hekkelman, Graafschap College
- Dwayne Prins, ROC Zeeland
Invited to International Netriders Competition - 2013
- Winners 1 to 3 from Belgium
- Female winner from Belgium
- Winners 1 and 2 from the Netherlands
Results CCENT Competition
- Olivier Splilliaert, Technobel
- Christophe Wagner, Technobel
- Said el Mohor, Technobel
- Eddy van den Akker, Gilde Opleidingen
- Eloy Heywicz, Gilde Opleidingen
- Danny Comuth, Gilde Opleidingen
Results ITE competition
- Luis Garcia, VDAB Vilvoorde
- Abdsadik Boutkaboute, VDAB Vilvoorde
- Bryan Eggels, Gilde Opleidingen
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