At the end of August 2024 to new NetAcad platform came online. This blog message lists some of the issues that instructors are encountering. Last update: 29 October 2024
Tip - Platform Orientation for Educators
When working with a new software environment, it's beneficial to read the *** manual. For the new NetAcad platform, it's crucial to explore the video guide.

Platform Orientation Video for Instructors => managing the new platform: hyperlink (login required)
Issue 1 - Link existing Webex account to your NetAcad account
Instructors who were already using Webex before August 2024 should link their Webex Account to the NetAcad account. For some reason this is not an automatic process. This hyperlink shows the steps how to perform the linking of the two accounts.
Issue 2 - Class with invitation only
The Invitation Only option will allow only learners with class invitation to enroll. Your class enrollment page will still be public, but non-invited email addresses are prevented from joining the class. The instructor needs to define which students will get access by using a CSV file. After giving access to students, you can check the the Manage Leaners page.
Issue 3 - Self-Paced Class
In a self-paced class the instructor has no possibilities to manage assignments or course content. If possible, as an instructor use the instructed-led approach. Nevertheless there exist courses that only work self-paced.
Issue 4 - Class Completed
If an instructor just marked as completed students within the gradebook (it is not required by all courses), the course itself should still appear in the students' homepage. If the instructor flagged the course as completed, students should see it in the "completed" course tab (instead of the default "in progress" tab)
Issue 5 - Packet Tracer Login
There is currently an issue logging into Cisco Packet Tracer using the NetAcad login button. Please have users click on the Skills for All login button to access Cisco Packet Tracer. The new version of Packet Tracer later this year will eliminate this issue.
More info -- Students cannot launch PT, even with Skills-for-All login
Hello again! OK, I think I've figured out the issue. The PT login button for Networking Academy apparently loads the wrong URL, or the URL it is loading is being redirected to the Legacy Netacad main page. If the student logs in using their Legacy Netacad login, they are presented with their course dashboard and no message goes back to PT. When the student closes the browser, they are back at the PT login screen.
This is different than what happens with the Skills-for-All button. When the student clicks the Skills-for-All button, it takes them to and gives them a login box. If they login, a tab opens in their default browser that says "You have successfully logged in to Cisco Packet Tracer. You may close this tab. Definitely different behavior.
Issue 6 - The Edge browser is reported to have problems in the new environment (login "Remember Me", playing animations, ...)
Edge is a supported browser, so please create support cases for the issues you've encountered so that we can address them. That said Edge is one of the less popular of the supported browsers and not as fully broken in. In the meantime, I recommend using Chrome or FireFox (latest two software versions) for the best experience on the converged NetAcad.
Issue 7 - NDG Integration for Linux courses
Both instructors and students need a separate NDG Account and have to log into NDG. The process is explained when you create an NDG course.
Do not activate or enroll in exams from the NDG environment.
Read the presentation, URL: Download Linux Activation Issues
Issue 8 - LTI Integration with other learning platforms
LTI is currently not available on the new The new NetAcad environment was built from the ground up and will be able to support LTI in the future.
More to follow ...
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